Sunday, November 20, 2011

Homemade bread is what’s good for ya!

There’s nothing quite like the smell of bread baking on a Sunday afternoon. While waiting for the football games to start, I rummaged around my garage for my West Bend Automatic Bread and Dough Maker; finally finding it at the bottom of a pile of camping equipment.

After getting it cleaned up and situated on the kitchen counter, I decided I wanted to make some old fashioned white bread. The ingredients are simple and easy to throw together involving flour, yeast, sugar salt and milk! I mixed up the required ingredients and set the bread maker to fire itself up; a five minute job at most. Three hours later, I had myself a loaf of bread that I calculated as costing $1.30! Woo Woo! One thing to remember, however, is the fact that homemade bread contains no preservatives and as such will last only about a week. Shouldn't be a problem where I live!  Now, if I could just find a bottle of wine and thou,  I’d be all set!

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