Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Low cost meals in the Age of the Liberal!

After realizing that I'm getting too old to work (and couldn't find a job if I wanted one anyway), I've been investigating how I might be able to still eat well but also more cheaply. Right off the bat, I figured that meat of any kind was out of the question (or soon will be). Vegetables were definitely in as I could grow many of them over the summer for eating and in the winter time after making sure to freeze or can part of the harvest. Also, in the mix, were a few so-called 'bulk foods' that seem able
resist inflationary pressures like spaghetti pasta that brings goodly amounts of carbohydrates to the mealtime plate...

So, here is an example of what I came up with for this post. The meal, which cost me only about eighty five cents, brings on a good slug of carbs and isn't really too nasty from a nutritional standpoint. (Note that I used 'fake salt' or potassium chloride for the seasoning and that there is no cholesterol to be found)!at about 500 calories it conforms to my overall diet plan and no - I don't blame either Obama or the Liberals for the plight we are all in. For too long, I ignored what the children were doing on Capitol Hill and like the sea, if you take your eye off of them for too very long they will overwhelm you!

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