Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Glandenspuken: The elixir of fiery death!

Glandenspuken potion
Ancient City of Hyperboreon
Two shadowy people, Ron of Iredaforth & his wife Nancy who dwell under a moldy bridge to the north and who are themselves evil druids, have recently bequeathed to me a liquid potion of some great rarity. It's kind was only last seen only in Middle Earth around the time of the reign of the wizard Merlin, and had thought to have been destroyed during the Hyperborean wars some centuries later.

It was known, back then, as 'Glandenspuken' and it was said to be so powerful a potion that it could kill with just one small whiff in either nostril! Now, what little bit remains of this strange and deadly substance is in my possession to do with as I will! Bruhahahaha!

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