Since my small town of Forsyth already
had over ten eateries, I said to myself - 'What this town needs is
another eatery!' So, to that end I've made the necessary preparations
to open what I feel would be a unique dining experience! OK, so I was
I think my problems began, early on, when the sign people
screwed up the name of the establishment! And, then they wouldn't
redo it or offer a refund, so I had to change the name accordingly.
That was a mistake, I can see that now! Grease, people can live with. Grit, not so much so!

Then, there was the cook I hired to
prepare the meals. After a week of watching him work, I began to
suspect he had no cooking experience at all! Later, in court,, I discovered he
was actually a patient from a nearby mental institution that had gone AWOL!
But seriously, when he showed up for the interview, I just couldn't
say no to him. (He really scared me to death)! And speaking of death, more
than one of my diners had a brush or two with that very thing after dining in my
establishment. In court proceedings, and after the fact, I did bring up
the defense that you had to be pretty darn crazy yourself to even take a step
into a joint like that! (As a matter of fact, towards the end, I had even put up a sign that read, 'Enter at your own risk!)' Ha Ha.
So, in the end, I figure it was a combination of the sign, and maybe the lousy food combined with those pesky cockroaches and strange cook that put the big kabash on my success. No biggie! I was thinking of entering politics anyway!
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