Saturday, December 21, 2013

Government locks out area park!

Baker street entrance to River Run Park
Forsyth, MO. – A federally managed park by the name of River Run located just to the east of the city limits of Forsyth Missouri and was the scene of a new approach by our friendly government officials. It seems one of their agents was sent out to lock up this park because of the 'likelihood of heavy flooding' due to a late December storm. What? The Bull Shoals is currently normal levels (658') with the flood stage at about 700 feet. The agent informed me that they were restricting park access for our protection, implying that I and others in the community were too stupid to know not to drive into the park, if in fact it did flood. Not very likely as the water level would have to rise at least 20 feet in order for that to be a possibility.
Current Bull Shoals lake levels
So, what is going on here? Is this a new expansion of the Nanny State? I'm not sure, but if it is the governments intention to further alienate the citizens of my town, they are sure going about it the right way!

Postscript: In the interest of fairness, it is possible that 'flash flooding' could occur due to runoff from heavy rains. At this time of year, the ground cannot soak up water in the way it can in the warmer months with plenty of biomass in place. In that case, a simple sign would have sufficed!

1 comment:

  1. I suppose after eliminating the east side access to the Pothole the ramp was all that was left to close. The notion that BS would rise roughly 7' before someone could take a boat out is ridiculous. A is believing that the trout in the White need more water after surviving 60 years and producing a world record.
