Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ah yes! The promise of money for all!

In a very perverse sense, I'm looking forward to four more years of fiscal insanity under the Obama Administration. I'm so very curious to see if he tries to blame the country's problems in 2013 on the 'previous administration' (huh?).

I also pray that Reid and Pelosi both get re-elected. Why who can ever forget Nancey's triumphant walk on that day with that big old gavel in her hands when the Democrats forced that Healthcare Bill down our collective throats. Honestly, that whole deal was better than a soap opera and one has got to wonder what shenanigans will be in the works for 2013??

Perhaps this wild and zany group will tackle the 'Carbon Credits Tax' where, according to Obama, your energy bills will "necessarily skyrocket". Gosh dang it! Just think of what these people could do to our country with four more years to work with! Why, shucks, I'll bet we won't even recognize the place...

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